2-5-16 Built on Sand


26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 7: 26-27 KJV


How many of us like a foolish man

Who listens to the Word and nods his head,

But keeps instead his own distorted plan

And builds his house without foundation bed.

Just knowing Christ’s commands is not enough;

He needs to be within our hands and feet.

A fancy car without four tires rides rough;

A house built on the sand the floods defeat.

If Jesus is your Lord, then serve Him well;

A servant is no good laid up in bed.

When trouble comes all you can do is yell.

The storms of life will tear your house to shreds.

A tree with meager roots is doomed to fall;

The first time winds descend the tree will sprawl.


REMEMBER: A strong foundation is built by exercising the will of Christ.

5-28-15 On Wrath


Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear,

slow to speak, slow to wrath:

For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

James 1:19-20 KJV


An angry man is blind to love and light.

And deaf to every whisper Spirit makes.

How can he serve his brothers day and night

When all that he provides are bellyaches?

If you have anger that you can’t control,

Ask Jesus to remove it by its roots.

The weeds of wrath will choke the tender soul,

But Christ can pluck them out to bear good fruits.

Be swift to hear the Spirit when He calls,

And do not speak until He gives you words.

The man who’s led by Jesus never falls.

Obey the wind to fly among the birds.

The love of God will burn away your wrath.

His righteousness will keep you on the path.



sonnet #372