8-29-15 Treacherous Times


And then many will be offended,

and shall betray one another,

and shall hate one another.

Matthew 24:10 KJV


These are the latter days which Christ foretold

When brethren are offended by the Word,

And even those who used to be quite bold

Will turn their backs on those the Gospel stirred.

Though many fall away these shall be worse,

Who once did follow Jesus in the day

But now will stumble back to point and curse

The Christians they once loved yet now betray.

Such hatred shall arise from those thought saved,

With vehemence they’ll trample on the flock.

The lies apostates spread are so depraved

To make the world lash out in fear and shock.

Hold fast in Christ; your faith will long endure.

When they knock down your door His love’s secure.


sonnet #451