12-30-15 The Party Scene


And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands.

Isaiah 5:12 KJV


It seems as if the party scene is cool:

The thumping bass is felt down in your bones,

But if you don’t go with them you’re a fool;

Your name won’t be a contact on their phones.

The wings and pizza make up quite a feast;

The beer flows freely, so do all the drugs,

But they don’t know the Lord, they serve the Beast;

You mention Jesus, all you get are shrugs.

Those partyers are lost unless they yield

To Someone greater than their Insta friends.

If they don’t turn to Christ their fates are sealed.

Keep trying to get through; God’s grace transcends.

Don’t get caught up- you’ll surely get dragged down.

If you share Christ with them they may not drown.


REMEMBER: Don’t get caught up in the party scene. To some of them, you might be the closest thing to Christ they’ll ever know.

7-4-15 The Balm of Gilead

Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak:

O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.

Psalm 6:2


If you are in the ocean you are wet;

Sin’s in your DNA, the worst disease.

The balm of Gilead will cure you yet;

Beg mercy from the Lord, that healing breeze.

You do not have the strength to overcome

The constant draw of sin that weights your soul.

Cry out your helplessness – God’s will be done,

Christ holds you up to Heaven, light and whole.

A broken bone reminds you constantly,

To take it to a doctor to be set.

Seek Christ: the Great Physician set you free;

He conquered hell and death without regret.

Let go and let the Savior give relief

Depend upon Him always in your grief.



sonnet #405

2-22-15 Rejoice in the Lord!


Though all my wealth be filched by criminals,

My life be threatened by a killer’s sword;

Though I be chained against a pirate’s hulls,

I will rejoice in Jesus as my Lord.

Though famine strikes my crop from year to year,

My business looted by a passing horde;

Though all my friends start treating me severe,

I will rejoice in Jesus as my Lord.

Though pain may wrack my body night and day,

My reputation ruined, my face abhorred;

Though cancer eats my skin and bones away,

I will rejoice in Jesus as my Lord.

The God of my salvation will I praise!

He set me free and set my heart ablaze!


Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,

I will joy in the God of my salvation.

Habakkuk 3:18 KJV

1-27-15 Nothing


The moment you were born you did not bring

A whit beyond the barest flesh and bone;

You do not really own a single thing

Belonging to this world of wood and stone,

And all the stuff that you accumulate,

No matter what it’s worth to mortal man,

Will still be here when you leave this estate;

In fact you’ll have the same as you began.

Be grateful for the things that you possess

For it can all be gone within a flash;

The only matter you should dare obsess

Is being more like Christ, His way suffice.

From nothing bodies come, to nothing go

Yet all you do between your soul will show.


For we brought nothing into this world, 

and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

1 Timothy 6:7 KJV