2-17-16 Hidden Treasure


Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Matthew 13:44 KJV


Those blinded by the god of this world fail

To find the gospel set within their reach.

When you show them this treasure might the scale

At last with Spirit’s nudge fall from the breach.

And then to see the light shine from their eyes

As they begin to feel their soul set free,

And, O, the Holy Ghost within them rise

As they come to the cross and like Him dies!

Then nothing in the world could buy them back

For they have given Jesus all they’ve got.

The Savior paid the price; though sins were black,

He made them white as snow, both sought and bought.

There is a man and woman stumbling ’round,

Just waiting for the gospel to be found.


REMEMBER: Commit to telling at least one person today about this greatest of all treasures, the gospel.

10-27-15 Little Children


I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.

1 John 2:12 KJV


If there is any doubt of God’s good grace,

Or that His mercy moves abundantly,

Then look no further than a child’s face

To know that in the name of Christ he’s free.

We all are born in sin and can’t escape 1

Unless we give to Jesus our whole lives, 2

But in His sovereign mercy God may drape

Forgiveness to a child whose death arrives.

There is an age we are accountable,

When we so choose to sin or turn to Christ.

Before that sin is insurmountable;

A baby can’t avoid the awful price. 3

The mercy of the Lord can so extend

To cover little children without end.

1Psalm 51:5

2Romans 10:9

3Romans 6:23

10-13-15 A Meditation of Him

meditating on the lord

My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

Psalm 104:34 KJV


I clear my mind from troubled, thorny thoughts,

And feel the Holy Spirit full within;

While all the world around me plans and plots,

The peace of God descends and we begin.

I meditate upon my sovereign Lord,

My Master, my Redeemer and my Friend;

His love and words strike deep and I’m restored.

His glory lights my way; there is no end.

The blood my Master shed, His sacrifice,

I cannot comprehend its depth or scope.

He suffered so for me, God’s asking price.

My faith in Him is real; I’m filled with hope.

Consider all the ways of Christ the King,

And He will lift you up; your heart will sing!

7-20-15 Born Again


Jesus answered and said unto him,

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,

he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:3 KJV


A birth into this world means tears and pain;

Your mother can’t forget nor you recall.

But when you come to Christ you’re born again,

A new creation free from Adam’s fall.

Now quickened by God’s Spirit through and through,

The blood of Christ has washed your sins away.

No longer bound by flesh you live anew,

A citizen of Heaven now to stay.

Admit that you’re a sinner, dead and lost,

That Jesus paid the price for all your sins.

Put all your trust in Him whate’er the cost

And you will be reborn – your life begins!

Drink deep the Word as milk, then eat as meat,

And watch the Grace of God make you complete.


sonnet #411

6-24-15 First to Last

Bart Walker Bringing Up the Rear

So the last shall be first, and the first last:

for many be called, but few chosen.

Matthew 20:16 KJV


The souls who are forgotten by the crowd:

The meek, the low, the bullied and the plain,

Are lost among the ego-driven proud

And last to find a post they can attain.

The Lord will not ignore the seventh son,

The shepherd boy who one day would be king.

The manger-born became the perfect One

To save a sinful world who hopeless cling.

We all are called to come unto the cross,

Invited to the wedding feast by Christ;

The proud will all be counted as a loss,

The chosen ones are those who’ve paid the price.

Down here we choose the leader of the pack;

If you would follow Christ, then serve in back.


sonnet #397

5-25-15 White as Snow


Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:

though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;

though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Isaiah 1:18 KJV


Don’t be afraid, don’t hide your head in shame;

No matter what you’ve done I still love you.

I’m not just made of vengeance as they claim;

You do not need to fear a harsh review.

Just lift your eyes and come to Christ in prayer;

It matters not if sins be crimson red.

My Son died for your sins, now don’t despair;

His blood will wash them white as snow instead.

I sent Him as the Lamb to sacrifice,

To die for all your sins both great and small.

Accept Him as your Lord, He paid the price;

Let Jesus in your heart, on Him do call.

On Judgment Day when you approach the throne,

You’ll have no sin, for Jesus did atone


sonnet #370

3-21-15 Thou Shalt Not Steal


Do not take anything that is not yours

Against another’s will by fraud or force.

If there was no more theft in all the stores

The price of everything would fall, of course.

Just know that when you tell someone a lie

You’re robbing them quite plainly of the truth,

And when you break a vow then trust will die;

You cannot get it back just like lost youth.

The things you do in secret will be shown,

So don’t think that you’re clever, smooth and deft.

Some day you will face Jesus on the throne,

And there will be exposed your every theft.

If you would be forgiven then repent;

Restore all that you took with ill intent.


Thou shalt not steal.

Exodus 20:15 KJV

12-14-14 The Servant


The Lord of Lords, God’s only Son came here,

Deserving all our pomp and circumstance,

But took upon Himself the life austere,

To give His all so we have half a chance.

This lowly man the heavens did create,

Deserving of a throne right next to God

And worship from us all both small and great,

Took on the servant’s role with no facade.

And Jesus made His life a sacrifice,

A meek and perfect Lamb, obedient.

The debt for all our sins He paid the price

With His own humble blood and His consent.

If we are here to serve our Lord and King,

We must be servant to just everything.


Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,

but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28 KJV

10-27-14 Stand Fast


If you call Christ your Lord you now are free

Of all the damning nature of your sin;

His sacrifice gives you such liberty

A new life in the Spirit does begin.

With freedom you will surely draw such hate,

The world will want you back within its grip;

Stand fast with Christ, don’t take the devil’s bait,

The price of freedom sometimes means the whip.

The yoke of bondage once held you in chains,

But now you’re free beneath His cleansing blood;

Whatever happens now, the growth, the pains,

Are not worth falling back into the mud.

Not only is the Savior now your friend,

He’s just a prayer away and will defend.


Stand fast therefore in the liberty

wherewith Christ hath made us free,

and be not entangled again

with the yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5:1 KJV