2-6-16 Advocate


Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Proverbs 31:8 KJV


Much more these days are those who have no voice;

They can’t defend themselves against their doom.

Defenseless, fragile souls without a choice,

A gift of God within their mother’s womb.

It doesn’t matter how they came to be,

These innocent and tender hosts of life.

They can’t be blamed for being; why do we

Think we’re a judge and jury with a knife?

Speak out for those who cannot vocalize!

If you are pregnant, let the baby live!

There is a woman somewhere who would prize

The chance to be a mother, love and give.

Your words can make a difference starting here.

A life depends on you, so persevere!


REMEMBER: You are here because your mother chose life.

12-21-15 Serve the Lord with Gladness


Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Psalm 100:2 KJV


Let’s serve the Lord with gladness, joy and cheer!

Let’s worship Him with singing full and strong!

Now come before His presence, gather near,

And praise our God with labor and with song!

Assemble all you saints and harmonize

By lifting up your voice in gratitude,

For by His loving grace our souls arise

To worship Christ our Lord with certitude!

Let’s praise the Lord, for He has shown His love!

Upon the cross He sacrificed His life

So those of us with faith could soar above,

To serve Him here and in the afterlife!

Let’s magnify the Lord and share the Word!

Let Jesus work through us now undeterred!


REMEMBER: When you serve the Lord with joy in your heart and a song on your lips, the unsaved will be more receptive to His light in you.

12-7-15 Mocked


I am as one mocked of his neighbour, who calleth upon God, and he answereth him: the just upright man is laughed to scorn.

Job 12:4 KJV


Beware, the days are here when you are mocked

For standing on your Christian principles,

And even other Christians will concoct

The wildest things about you from their skulls.

Don’t dare defend yourself from such a crowd,

For they are fools, and fools are hard to change.

Just listen to the Lord and don’t be cowed;

The godliest of souls have all been strange.

The sort who love to gossip matter not,

It’s those who love the Lord live in your heart.

It will not matter what the scorners thought

When all is said and done the truth impart.

Be bold, be upright and believe in Christ.

Your faith in Him is worth the sacrifice.

9-25-15 The Perfect Example


21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:

24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

1 Peter 2:21-25 KJV


There is no greater love than Christ has shown,

The perfect model for a perfect life,

Who chose to leave His bright celestial throne

To come and save His sheep through pain and strife.

He had no sin Himself but came for ours,

Enduring all the wrath of God and man,

Who could have freed Himself with awesome powers

But chose to bring salvation as His plan,

And all the torment that our Lord endured,

Reviled, threatened, beaten, crucified,

He did for you so you could be secured.

He loved you so He suffered, bled and died.

O friend, I know He thought of you that day

As He was hanging on the cross that way!

8-27-15 An Exhortation


Now we exhort you, brethren,

warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded,

support the weak, be patient toward all men.

1 Thessalonians 5:14 KJV


We have our own responsibilities,

And that includes a call to help the poor:

The poor in heart, in mind, in strength are these

That need some extra care we can’t ignore.

Admonish those that step across the line:

The busybody, troublemaking sort.

Teach discipline and selfless service fine;

These diamonds in the rough, do not sell short.

Uplift the ones who struggle with the cross:

The simple and the slow to understand.

The weak need love who cannot bear a loss;

Please help them with their faith and to withstand.

Have patience with the souls who trip and fall;

Be one to help them up. See Christ in all.


sonnet #449

8-14-15 All for One

one for all

4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 KJV


A breeze wafts through a window open wide;

The curtain shudders, papers flutter, too;

A candle light makes shadows dance and glide,

And all these things a single breeze can do.

The Spirit moves ten million souls and more

As preachers, teachers, missionaries, clerks,

To prophesy, to write, to mind the store;

We serve a single Master in our work.

Discretion, grace and patience all are gifts

Bestowed by just a single, holy God;

The Father’s love that heals, reveals, uplifts

Can resurrect the dead and leave us awed.

Such wondrous grace upholds the universe

And shows in all we do as we traverse.


sonnet #436

8-10-15 Intercession

threshing floor

31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

Luke 22:31-32 KJV


The enemy of God wants you to fail;

He wants to drag you ‘cross the threshing floor.

He wants you to deny the Lord and wail,

To lose your faith and bother him no more.

If you’re a child of God you’re valuable,

For you can share the gospel of the Lord.

If Satan makes you unapproachable,

You’re one more Christian that can be ignored.

But Jesus wants your faith to grow and thrive,

So you can thwart the Devil in his plan.

Your strength will help Christ bring more souls alive,

Help lift your brethren from the sifting pan.

Christ prays for you this moment out of love,

That your faith will not fail, but rise above



sonnet #432

7-27-15 Dumb


32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.

33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.

Matthew 9:32-33 KJV


The Devil prowls the earth with rancid breath,

Befouling souls with lies and hate and pride;

His simple goal: to lure us all to death,

To bring us down with him and there abide.


When Satan wraps his talons round our throat,

He robs us of our hope and leaves us dumb.

But there is One of whom the prophets wrote,

Who casts all demons out and leaves them mum.


When we have faith in Jesus, we reach out

And put our hand in His, then with that touch,

Our lives are changed forever with a shout!

Our tongues are then set free to praise Him much.


If you can’t say you’re saved and glory bound,

You’ll find your voice in Christ a loving sound.



sonnet #418

6-24-15 First to Last

Bart Walker Bringing Up the Rear

So the last shall be first, and the first last:

for many be called, but few chosen.

Matthew 20:16 KJV


The souls who are forgotten by the crowd:

The meek, the low, the bullied and the plain,

Are lost among the ego-driven proud

And last to find a post they can attain.

The Lord will not ignore the seventh son,

The shepherd boy who one day would be king.

The manger-born became the perfect One

To save a sinful world who hopeless cling.

We all are called to come unto the cross,

Invited to the wedding feast by Christ;

The proud will all be counted as a loss,

The chosen ones are those who’ve paid the price.

Down here we choose the leader of the pack;

If you would follow Christ, then serve in back.


sonnet #397

6-15-15 Heart to Heart


Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart:

and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Matthew 11:29 KJV


To be like Christ take on His yoke and start,

Align yourself to Him in work and word,

Then as you learn the Savior’s perfect heart,

You’ll find that Jesus kept his wants deferred.

So meek and lowly, Christ was set apart,

Obeying what our Father bade Him do,

For He and God were one in mind and heart

With such agape love and selfless view.

To be like Jesus you must e’er impart

To understand that He is in control.

He bought you with His blood, now heart to heart,

And you shall yet find rest unto your soul.

To learn of Jesus you must soon take part,

To give and share with others heart to heart.



sonnet #390